Wednesday, November 2, 2011

InStep 5K Jogging Stroller

!9# InStep 5K Jogging Stroller

Brand : InStep | Rate : | Price :
Post Date : Nov 03, 2011 04:31:36 | N/A

InSTEP 5K Single Premium Jogging Stroller is a safe, dependable jogging stroller. Baby will enjoy the extra headroom, reclining seat and low impact independent rear suspension; mom and dad will love the safety of the 5 point harness and bicycle syle braking capability.

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Friday, September 2, 2011

To speed the formation Masters Runner

!9# To speed the formation Masters Runner

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Masters Runner: USA Track and Field defined by (USTAF) as riders over the age of 40.

Masters runner does not train with less intensity than younger runners. A runner at the age of 40 need to be smart to know your limits to get back in time, but not on the level of intensity and a couple of hard workouts a week.

Reduction of exercise depends on your age group by Masters runner. In my 50s, I was there a speed workout pace and perform every week anda long weekend. The rest of the week I could just run and a mid-week medium long run 9-12 miles. I am now 61 and has not changed much, except that now is not a day or a temporary operating speed once a week instead of two high-intensity workouts in the same week. Cutting a high-intensity workout in a week has improved my recovery and I'm sticking to my training benefit.

It 'important to address the fact that the recovery will take longer to come, if youThe lead is older. If recovery is not known since his time, an injury is more common. As I said my training has changed as I aged. I have a high training intensity and the drop, a balance that works for me. If you are a runner master set, you can find the right balance for you by trial and error, as I did. If you're a runner new teachers here are some guidelines:

He set to work with the addition of some steps (short, 100 meters or less burst of speedruns faster with the fastest turn around the leg) for a few weeks. In this way, the reverse is an introduction and adaptation for the formation of the legs greater speed in short segments. Progress can be in the middle or end of a run and six or eight regular intervals not performed. Steps can also view or to be continued twice a week, even if you start regular training speed. Thurs speed training once a week. After running one day the speed of a day of rest, a short rest or cross train. ThisSpeed, work and live with a slight increase in speed and distance to build to suit Reduce to prevent the increasing number of intervals and rest period between intervals too hard the muscles and surrounding tissues. Running hills is a great way to build strength in your legs, you can work some speed on the hills instead of the runway and setting as the speed training on the track. At the time, you're a runner master your aerobic capacity, muscle mass andAbility to fold, but all of these variables can be alleviated. Masters A rider sure to get the benefit of training required speed (drive arm, stride length, speed and strength) with an intensity that is reasonable and, therefore, sufficient rest between intervals and after training was completed. Speed ​​work is hard on the body and for the younger runners as a Masters runner, and some of these things that I learned the hard way. I started racing at the age of 52 years, I wasalready a runner as a sample. But without the knowledge that I train differently than a younger rider, I had an injury that can be trained at Masters level can be avoided, it had to do. Age may slow down we can order, but the joy of running faster and with more resistance can be achieved as long as you get sufficient rest and recovery time. You just need to improve out of your comfort zone. The bottom line is to run smart and get fixedResults.

Enjoy every step,


To speed the formation Masters Runner

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Sunday, August 28, 2011

How to run on the beach

!9# How to run on the beach

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One of my readers recently wrote me and asked: "What do I need to run on the beach know that I am new to this, and I ran barefoot now, and I really enjoyed it hurt me I'm worried But the case. with or without shoes work best? "

My chances of running on the beach are few and far between these days, but when I was in college, I have a few quality runs in the sand. My team would be preparing for the beach at Daytona in February of the track seasonevery year, and I spent a year in Central Florida and would be in Daytona the weekend very often the head.

My favorite race during the preseason has always run on the beach. How art thou fallen to the north of the beach, and then our trip would be to go 15 miles down the road and buy some donuts and bagels for us and to fill the jug of water and mix a little 'Gatorade. Most of us would come in an hour and a half to two hours, and we would like to play in front of the seaReturning to our camp for some more substantial food.

Each time you run on the beach, with or without shoes, you might want to consider the following:

You'll probably want to run in the morning, especially when it is warm enough to swim for it. The sun can be brutal, as it reflects the water. Wear lots of layers when it's cold because the wind from the sea in winter can be brutal. You want to wear lots of sunscreen does not mattertime. Run at low tide just above the water. The country will be (usually) is not as highly skewed, and the water has been absorbed by the compact the sand into something that you should do a little 'easier. Bring water with you or make frequent stops at the water fountains.

Running in the sand can be very strong, especially if you are above the waterline, where you can sink your toes into the sand running. Just be careful if it's really hard corner of the beach,although, because this a huge effort on her knees and ankles. The pace will be slower than on the streets to the beach, and plan accordingly make sure you have plenty of water available.

If you plan to run barefoot, then gradually ease into it. Walking barefoot in general and in particular on the sand is a great way to build strength and resistance to injury, but because we start wearing shoes at such a young age in those days, our feet are not nearly asstrong as could be. You can easily hurt when you walk barefoot too quickly or too often until you have built up some strength to start. Also be careful when you step, because fragments of glass and shells is not fun to step on.

If you're going to the street, especially a long race like a marathon or half marathon races, then you're going to want at least a couple of miles of road to get there. If you run only on the beach, then the legs are not reallyto estimate the additional pounding, that if you can get around their first long road race.

How to run on the beach

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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

How to prepare for a 5K

!9# How to prepare for a 5K

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We have all seen 5k runner to take on the streets of a nearby town. They have invested in a wave of legs, running shoes custom bracelets, bracelets, and cancer. They run for many causes of the disease on political issues. A 5k race is not a joke for those of us sitting at home. This article contains some simple tips for preparing for training for a race 5k.

Although the task of preparing the body and the mind can run a 5k for a deterrent, there are some relatively simple measures you can followensure that the preparation is as simple as possible. Too often, people traded, an ongoing program, because they start too fast. If you run as fast as possible, as is the first time that you train your body to reject, you are in pain, and probably give up. Their training is more like a torture for the year, if you try it this way.

To facilitate the same in a low speed routine is the best way to adjust your body and mind to runfor long distances. At the beginning of your training you will do more walking than running, so it should not be stressful at all. If you enjoy walking and feel like you can do more, do not try to be impatient, just plan a walking stick is the bit, reducing the time that you run slowly. If you do not increase slowly and steadily, it will burn. If you think the work you are doing is too difficult, just slow down and spread your courseand travel times.

Motivate yourself to take only 20 or 30 minutes three times a week. This moderate exercise is recommended by most doctors. You can take to get in shape and keep it, if you're a serious racer. Spacing your ride all week is important. It will give you the opportunity to rest between the exercise and give your body a chance to recover. Instead of running to gradually build up is gradually increase your physical fitness and bone strength. Ondays off, you can also choose whether you want to take a walk or just relax. Walking can solve some of your tense muscles after a hard workout the day before, and can help you better stay in shape between workouts.

It can be represented by the distance or time to take a measurement. Although it is not only a track near you estimate the distance. Since that just is not as important as gradually increasing. Make sure you go jogging or brisk walking to warm up before each workout. Theirwant to be sure to get well hydrated. In addition, a series of small, but eat healthy meals a day to help your overall fitness. After these general tips you can get off the couch to the finish, and you can feel better as a whole.

How to prepare for a 5K

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Friday, August 19, 2011

Long-term benefits

!9# Long-term benefits

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Here are some of the key advantages of long-term:

Increase the number of capillaries. Increased myoglobin. Increase the number and size of mitochondria. Increases the activity of aerobic enzymes. Increased glycogen stores. Burn more fat. Fast fibers are more the characteristics of slow-twitch muscle fibers. It is the mental strength through simulation, which will pass through the legs and body in the marathon. You learn to relax andFocus on the task.

Well, what is actually a lot about what your goals are. If your goal is a 5K race as long as you do maybe 6 or 7 miles, but this article is on training for the marathon, the focus calls for a much longer term.

Of all the different training methods, in the long run is my favorite and is a perfect time to do some multitasking physically and mentally. I love the feeling of being able to operate for a long time and is notI just gives the above advantages, but it gives me the opportunity during the past week to reflect and evaluate how my training progress. It also gives me the opportunity to think about other things in my life. I fixed a lot of problems on my long runs.

Before the race is over, but I'm beginning to set the difficulty at birth to me in my thoughts and concentrate on feeling the completion of the last few miles in good shape and role of a constant rate.

I like to do my long runs onWeekends and early morning hours, before it begins to warm during the summer months. In the winter months it is trying to keep warm, but if you're dressed appropriately to stay fairly comfortable. Another reason to do so early in the morning - that is when the marathon is run as a rule and want to imitate everything you can in preparation for the marathon. I also tried not most of them the same day of what will be the marathon, which is long for a race on Saturday, Saturday, Sunday in the long termfor a race on Sunday.

If I have a minimum base from a previous training I have done are usually at the beginning of my mandate to 10 miles and increases the distance of 1 mile every week until I reached 18 miles then a long run 20 miles.

I think that most of the long runs from 1 minute to 1 minute 45 seconds slower than my goal marathon race pace. If you run slower, will not reach some of the demands of the race. If you are too tired too quickly for other important training sessions.

You can also goHeart rate, about 70 to 80 percent of maximum heart rate or 65 to 80 percent of heart rate reserve would be. Use the pace, heart rate, or both will help you find the right intensity.

I will finish my course at the slow pace of the start area and gradually increase the pace, so that at the end of the race are quickly nearing the end of the range. Most of my long runs are done within these limits, but it's a good idea, some of your long runs will not work with some marathon paceeither the middle or towards the end. This simulates what you feel during the race, if you're tired.

Hydration is important during exercise. I usually use the water for up to 10 kilometers and just over 10 miles must begin with a sports drink with water. To drink for 16 miles or more races, I alternate with water sports and for the last 3 or 4 miles, I like to use a gel or two with plenty of water.

Greg McMillan, a famous scientist and sportsRunning coach suggests to do some long runs, 2 hours 2-1/2 to 3-1/2 hours and preferably without consuming carbohydrates immediately before or during the flight. Drink water and electrolytes is only during this and keep the pace slow. He also suggests weaning yourself from carbohydrates during long runs to several weeks for your body to adapt.

I tried this approach and is very effective. The tracks are very hard to do, but then your body is very efficientBurn fat, carbohydrate storage and use sparingly to reduce the levels of sugar in the blood. Then when you eat carbohydrates before a long period and you will be amazed at how easy it feels.

I like long runs 8-10 for the duration of the training cycle to do with three of the respondents between 20 and 22 miles and the rest between 15 and 17 miles. I strive for a run 20, 21 and 22 miles, but will be paid for three to 20 miles. Depending on how many weeks I've been training, will be my longest last 34 weeks before the race when I go to the taper phase for the last weeks before the race.

I would also like a day of rest after a long and shorten the distance of my long run of 30-35 percent every third or fourth week for a little 'recovery time.

How many long runs you do and the removal of your ability both physically and psychologically dependent, do not attempt more than you are willing for you or you will be discouraged.

This routine works well for me in the long termand not deviate too much from him. When I work on a new twist in the long run, but to me, I will definitely try. Diversity is the key to better fitness and helps in motivation.

Remember, gradual increase in long runs of 1 mile per week and keep up between 1 to 2 minutes slower than marathon goal pace. Give yourself a rest week every third or fourth week after turning back the long term. Eating nutritious and you can get all the sleep.

Enjoy everyStep.

Long-term benefits

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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Current Strategy

!9# Current Strategy

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My heart beats so hard, everyone around me to feel the beat. The adrenaline is rising through my body - I just drank five cups of coffee. I can not stand still. Stop. Concentrate. With eyes closed, inhale slowly, waiting to exhale. Feel the oxygen to reach your fingers, then fingers. Slowing the heart. Soothe your legs. At the start of a race, tournament or on a chair waiting to be dealt cards, it's the same feeling.

Last Saturday I met a 10k. 'S10k is not a race runners ten kilometers (6.2 miles). The similarities between races and play in a poker tournament, I had the miles between start and finish line.

After an eternity (eternity if they can fit within 60 seconds), the horn starting point finally extinguished. The urge to bolt is almost overwhelming, as the parcel in front of a wave peak painfully slow. "Go slowly - you'll find your rhythm there is to go six miles -. pace yourself." Peeking in the corner of myfirst two cards that I have to close your eyes and take a deep breath before the rush to stifle it. In about five minutes I found my rhythm and be able to concentrate.

Soon the adrenaline subsides. Relieved the tension disappear from my shoulders the stress of the day. Traces of breathing and the rhythm can be in my mind clears and I can concentrate on my game. Fold, check, raise converted automatically. My feet do not touch the ground. The basic amount has been diluted. FastingThe runners naturally seek records from the finish line shot. Down Main Street volunteers and police road stops at every corner, so that the runners can pass.

When the railroad crossing lights flash, bells and beat the arms begin. "I am pleased that on this side of the track for this" I am a runner next to me unknown. He told me the story of a race in Toledo, where almost all the runners were passed a very long train, and anger, has introduced some of therunners. We laugh and comment on how serious some runners as he clings to end his 5K. There are a lot of comaraderie in road racing and poker tournaments.

Rotate through a couple of blocks the light from 1 mile markers and a table with two girls drink paper cups filled with water and Gatorade. It seems early to arrive at a station to drink. A person walking on the left side of the road and take a cup. The rest of us walk right past. The crowd has thinned out and I can continuesee a dozen people in front of me, some run alone, some are in pairs. The pavement ends and run the hills. The hills are long slopes gradually real test of your workout. I trained on the mountain - I'm ready.

Two Mile marker is in sight, and so the back is the Three Mile marker. A runner is on the opposite side of the road for me. This is very confusing - and runs very fast! About 15 seconds after I see a pair of runners - fast againNumbers notice their shirts. There must be a turn-around be ahead! Without thinking, I speed my pace - I have finally the opportunity, my "good friends" in a race to get to see! There are a few friendly waves and words of encouragement from runners who have passed the turn-around.

Some cars - which apparently was not aware of the road for runners for an hour or so designated - are trying to make their way down the line the street. Dodge a car, a truck I keep my eyes on the runners coming. A, Or two staring at me and smiling, their faces unusual for me. My shirt says "I know your say" - I smile when I need to be poker players make. Here is Cindy! "The turnaround is just around the corner," she says as she waves and walks away. It is more than half a mile ahead of me and going strong.

It 'important to train with people better than you, and worse than you are poker and running. Advanced Training with runner / player goes beyond your previous limits and revealsTheir potential. Training with new players and keep runners cool bases. It 'easy to forget the importance of a good foundation. If I go public with Cindy - I'm in over my head. There would be no better mentor - is very encouraging and exciting, good and bad on consecutive days.

A few cars and a dozen or so riders arrive after I reached the turn and was sensitive to a runner. The thoughts came back to me poker - Analysis opponents at a table. The opponentsCan I get? How can I maximize my chips and minimize risk, with each player? The field was spread out and it was time to start focusing on the runner ahead of me - a woman with a slightly slower pace of about fifty yards ahead. He could not keep their pace the small hill, and I have collected them quickly enough - also left short-stacked high to the end to end.

The next rider was a man in dark gray T-shirt for almost a quarter of a mile before. It will be hard to catch- He is the step that I made no effort envy and we are running the same pace. I may be the T-shirt for the next target. Slowly gaining on Grey T-shirt, I go somewhere after the marker three miles. And 'ten feet from the plate three miles with me ten feet behind him when his foot rolls. Wincing and groaning, he limps to the side of the road. "Are you okay?" Wonder, no longer running. "Yes, I'm fine," he said, limping and holding his knee. His words and actions are notsynchronization. We walk a few steps away and the knee begins to develop. He takes a few cautious steps and says: ". I knew he was pushing to run this race," This has been the victim of a nasty shock. "Pushing yourself is what is all about - it was passed to me at the finish line," I shouted over my shoulder. "I hope so!" I heard behind me.

The road turned to dirt floor four miles past. There were no visible runners ahead of me, only volunteers and police officers that marks the path.Fatigue began to take a long slow climb toll with a fork on the last mile of the race to the summit. Still no runner in front of me, trying to catch on, and nobody to push me back. Some days all you can do is stick to your game with no idea where you are in the field. Around the corner count in my head - one, two, three corners and a large hill to the finish line. Suddenly I realize that I lost the five kilometer mark, there is less than a kilometer at the end of the race. The great mountainfast approaching, I'm trying to psych myself up to run everything. One, two, one, two, I count my steps up the hill.

A ... two ... a ... two ... a ... two steps slow to a walk in the second half of the hill. At the top of the hill the course turns right and flattens out. Step back, hoping to save enough energy to sprint to the finish line. I see other runners, even if I have a lot of catching some of them before the finish line in hope. I'm short-stackedwith just enough money to stop. I hear riders coming behind me to push the time and defend my seat. The course turns left and turns into blocks of three tracks.

Sucking chips to run. Soggy chips with hikers, and dogs are even worse! The trail is very hairy a halt difficult. This is where I hoped to pour it and maybe move a runner or two. Now it's a struggle to move one foot after another. Everyone is experiencing the same problem.It ends with the line in view of the Eternity of the chips finally. With everything I have, I sprint, my best finish ever 10K. Fifth in my age group - two places to receive a medal. They have a great race day!

I feel great - I followed my game system and ran a great race. I am assuming my next tournament with the same enthusiasm as my next race. "Training" to learn in online tournaments, changing my strategy, when the definition of a hand. We hope to see you at the tables!

Current Strategy

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