Sunday, August 28, 2011

How to run on the beach

!9# How to run on the beach

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One of my readers recently wrote me and asked: "What do I need to run on the beach know that I am new to this, and I ran barefoot now, and I really enjoyed it hurt me I'm worried But the case. with or without shoes work best? "

My chances of running on the beach are few and far between these days, but when I was in college, I have a few quality runs in the sand. My team would be preparing for the beach at Daytona in February of the track seasonevery year, and I spent a year in Central Florida and would be in Daytona the weekend very often the head.

My favorite race during the preseason has always run on the beach. How art thou fallen to the north of the beach, and then our trip would be to go 15 miles down the road and buy some donuts and bagels for us and to fill the jug of water and mix a little 'Gatorade. Most of us would come in an hour and a half to two hours, and we would like to play in front of the seaReturning to our camp for some more substantial food.

Each time you run on the beach, with or without shoes, you might want to consider the following:

You'll probably want to run in the morning, especially when it is warm enough to swim for it. The sun can be brutal, as it reflects the water. Wear lots of layers when it's cold because the wind from the sea in winter can be brutal. You want to wear lots of sunscreen does not mattertime. Run at low tide just above the water. The country will be (usually) is not as highly skewed, and the water has been absorbed by the compact the sand into something that you should do a little 'easier. Bring water with you or make frequent stops at the water fountains.

Running in the sand can be very strong, especially if you are above the waterline, where you can sink your toes into the sand running. Just be careful if it's really hard corner of the beach,although, because this a huge effort on her knees and ankles. The pace will be slower than on the streets to the beach, and plan accordingly make sure you have plenty of water available.

If you plan to run barefoot, then gradually ease into it. Walking barefoot in general and in particular on the sand is a great way to build strength and resistance to injury, but because we start wearing shoes at such a young age in those days, our feet are not nearly asstrong as could be. You can easily hurt when you walk barefoot too quickly or too often until you have built up some strength to start. Also be careful when you step, because fragments of glass and shells is not fun to step on.

If you're going to the street, especially a long race like a marathon or half marathon races, then you're going to want at least a couple of miles of road to get there. If you run only on the beach, then the legs are not reallyto estimate the additional pounding, that if you can get around their first long road race.

How to run on the beach

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