Friday, August 19, 2011

Long-term benefits

!9# Long-term benefits

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Here are some of the key advantages of long-term:

Increase the number of capillaries. Increased myoglobin. Increase the number and size of mitochondria. Increases the activity of aerobic enzymes. Increased glycogen stores. Burn more fat. Fast fibers are more the characteristics of slow-twitch muscle fibers. It is the mental strength through simulation, which will pass through the legs and body in the marathon. You learn to relax andFocus on the task.

Well, what is actually a lot about what your goals are. If your goal is a 5K race as long as you do maybe 6 or 7 miles, but this article is on training for the marathon, the focus calls for a much longer term.

Of all the different training methods, in the long run is my favorite and is a perfect time to do some multitasking physically and mentally. I love the feeling of being able to operate for a long time and is notI just gives the above advantages, but it gives me the opportunity during the past week to reflect and evaluate how my training progress. It also gives me the opportunity to think about other things in my life. I fixed a lot of problems on my long runs.

Before the race is over, but I'm beginning to set the difficulty at birth to me in my thoughts and concentrate on feeling the completion of the last few miles in good shape and role of a constant rate.

I like to do my long runs onWeekends and early morning hours, before it begins to warm during the summer months. In the winter months it is trying to keep warm, but if you're dressed appropriately to stay fairly comfortable. Another reason to do so early in the morning - that is when the marathon is run as a rule and want to imitate everything you can in preparation for the marathon. I also tried not most of them the same day of what will be the marathon, which is long for a race on Saturday, Saturday, Sunday in the long termfor a race on Sunday.

If I have a minimum base from a previous training I have done are usually at the beginning of my mandate to 10 miles and increases the distance of 1 mile every week until I reached 18 miles then a long run 20 miles.

I think that most of the long runs from 1 minute to 1 minute 45 seconds slower than my goal marathon race pace. If you run slower, will not reach some of the demands of the race. If you are too tired too quickly for other important training sessions.

You can also goHeart rate, about 70 to 80 percent of maximum heart rate or 65 to 80 percent of heart rate reserve would be. Use the pace, heart rate, or both will help you find the right intensity.

I will finish my course at the slow pace of the start area and gradually increase the pace, so that at the end of the race are quickly nearing the end of the range. Most of my long runs are done within these limits, but it's a good idea, some of your long runs will not work with some marathon paceeither the middle or towards the end. This simulates what you feel during the race, if you're tired.

Hydration is important during exercise. I usually use the water for up to 10 kilometers and just over 10 miles must begin with a sports drink with water. To drink for 16 miles or more races, I alternate with water sports and for the last 3 or 4 miles, I like to use a gel or two with plenty of water.

Greg McMillan, a famous scientist and sportsRunning coach suggests to do some long runs, 2 hours 2-1/2 to 3-1/2 hours and preferably without consuming carbohydrates immediately before or during the flight. Drink water and electrolytes is only during this and keep the pace slow. He also suggests weaning yourself from carbohydrates during long runs to several weeks for your body to adapt.

I tried this approach and is very effective. The tracks are very hard to do, but then your body is very efficientBurn fat, carbohydrate storage and use sparingly to reduce the levels of sugar in the blood. Then when you eat carbohydrates before a long period and you will be amazed at how easy it feels.

I like long runs 8-10 for the duration of the training cycle to do with three of the respondents between 20 and 22 miles and the rest between 15 and 17 miles. I strive for a run 20, 21 and 22 miles, but will be paid for three to 20 miles. Depending on how many weeks I've been training, will be my longest last 34 weeks before the race when I go to the taper phase for the last weeks before the race.

I would also like a day of rest after a long and shorten the distance of my long run of 30-35 percent every third or fourth week for a little 'recovery time.

How many long runs you do and the removal of your ability both physically and psychologically dependent, do not attempt more than you are willing for you or you will be discouraged.

This routine works well for me in the long termand not deviate too much from him. When I work on a new twist in the long run, but to me, I will definitely try. Diversity is the key to better fitness and helps in motivation.

Remember, gradual increase in long runs of 1 mile per week and keep up between 1 to 2 minutes slower than marathon goal pace. Give yourself a rest week every third or fourth week after turning back the long term. Eating nutritious and you can get all the sleep.

Enjoy everyStep.

Long-term benefits

Matelasse Coverlet Fast

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